Loopit offers a comprehensive invoicing solution that will get generated in one of 2 ways; automated as part of a booking and ad hoc once off invoices that you can generate against a person or company.
Key information and meaning
Invoice owner
Either a company or a person record
Invoice type
Deposits against a package are generated on seperate invoices to other charges. This is to allow easy handling of held deposits and refunding to customers.
Non deposit
All charges e.g. daily fees for rental, add ons, ad hoc invoices
Invoice status
Invoice has been created and can be changed
This status is reserved for deposit invoices that have a held payment i.e. no money has been captured on the customers card, just held for future capturing.
Customer has been issued the invoice and it cannot be changed.
Invoice has been cancelled and cannot be edited.
Invoice payment status
No money has been received. An invoice can be in this status if a payment is pending e.g. ACH, BACS, etc
Partially paid
An amount of the invoice total has been successfully paid.
All outstanding money on the invoice is paid.
The location the invoice belongs to. If you run multiple locations this enables accurate revenue reporting at the location level e.g. Show me revenue for damages in our London Heathrow Airport location. If an invoice is generated automatically as part of a booking the location will be set as the pick up location of the booking.
Issued Date
The date the invoice was issued, this is not adjustable and will always be the current time of the invoice owner.
Due Date
The date at which the invoice is required to be fully paid, this can be set to any date including a date in the past. For automatic invoices this is set based on the payment terms of the invoice owner. It can be manually set for ad hoc invoices.
Each invoice has its own timezone. All dates e.g. issued, due date are stored in UTC. Visually within the app the dates are shown relative to the owner of the invoice, either the company or person timezone when the invoice was created. This ensures when communicating with a customer the dates are relative to the customer.
Sub total
The cost excluding taxes
Tax total
Amount of taxes due on the entire invoice
A sum of sub total and tax total. This is the due amount of the invoice.
Void reason
If the invoice is void, a reason will be shown
Overdue flag
A flag against each invoice is stored and available to show if an invoice is overdue. This is calculated based on the due date being in the past and also the payment status being Unpaid or Partially Paid
Balance and payment totals
Successful payments
The total of payments successfully captured and finalised.
Pending payments
Payments that are currently processing e.g. ACH, direct debit can take a few days
Held payments
Payments held but not yet captured
Outstanding balance
A sum of the invoice total - successful payments. We do not include pending payments in this number
Customising the invoice information
To change the invoice address it was issued by please update the location settings. You can add additional text on to each invoice which is also managed by locations.
Last updated