Asset-level Ultimate Override
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Last updated
Asset-level ultimate price overrides enable users to apply a final price adjustment for charges at the asset level. These overrides are specific to the selected asset. However, please note that only charges with an Ongoing Flat-Fee Pricing model are eligible for this ultimate override
Contact the Loopit support team to enable the feature.
Navigate to the Charge section in the package form for the charge you want to override and toggle on "Override with asset fees" and then save the package.
Navigate to the Package Settings
Go to Package → Price Overrides.
Select a Charge
Choose a charge that uses the Ongoing Flat-Fee Pricing model (Note: The system only allows price overrides for this pricing model).
A new column "Asset Prices" is visible on the page now.
Set the asset's ultimate prices
Click on the asset for which you want to apply the ultimate price override.
The asset details will be displayed in the sidebar.
Navigate to the Details → Prices tab and enter the price for the billing frequency you wish to override and then click on save. For example, in the screenshot below, the daily, weekly and monthly prices has been overridden.
On the Price Overrides page, the ultimate overridden prices will be displayed in the Asset Prices column.
On the microsite, the daily price for the 'Ford Escape SE' is $80, as the previous price of $70 has been overridden.