Overdue Invoices
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Last updated
The Overdue Invoices Report page provides a comprehensive overview of all invoices that are overdue for payment. This report is essential for tracking outstanding payments, managing late fees, and ensuring timely follow-up with clients. The report displays critical information about each overdue invoice, including the invoice number, client details, issued date, total amount due, outstanding balance, due date, days overdue, and status of automatic payment retries.
This column provides an overview of the automatic payment retries that is built into the platform. It also shows how many attempts have been made. For further information see payment retries.
Days overdue
Quickly see how many days overdue an invoice is. If the invoices is more than 5 days overdue the days will turn red to allow you to quickly see which invoices require attention.
From this report you have the ability to apply late payment fees. If a late fee has already been applied you will see a green "Late fee applied" badge. To charge a late fee;
Click the action menu and select Charge late fee.
Select an item (we automatically select an item if the name contains the word "late").
Enter the amount. Default is 15 excluding taxes.
Press Issue invoice.
The late fee invoice will automatically become overdue within a few minutes of being issued. We will attempt to charge the late fee invoice within a few minutes of it being created.