Entity Types
When creating email templates in the Loopit platform, selecting the correct entity type is a crucial step. Entity types define the module within Loopit that the email template corresponds to. This selection determines which merge fields are available for use in your email template.
Available Entity Types
The entity types available in Loopit include the following modules:
Credit Note
Payment Method Request
Sumsub Verification
Tessera MVR Check
Why Selecting the Correct Entity Type Matters
Choosing the appropriate entity type ensures that the correct data fields are available to personalize your email templates. Each entity type is tied to specific information in Loopit. For example:
If you want to include a person’s name in your email, you must select an entity type that relates to customer details (e.g., Booking or Contract).
Selecting the Asset entity type would not provide access to customer name fields because this type is focused on vehicle details, not personal information.
Choose an entity type that aligns with the email content you intend to create. This selection will determine the compatible workflow modules for the template.
Entity Types and Workflow Usage
The entity type you assign to an email template also determines how that template can be utilized within workflows.
An email template with a specific entity type can only be used in workflows that are associated with the same entity type.
For instance, an email template set to the Invoice entity type will only be available for workflows related to invoices.
This alignment between templates and workflows ensures that email automation is consistent and leverages the correct data.
Last updated