Creating a Booking
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To create a booking, click on the "New Booking" button in the top right corner of the screen, next to your profile.
This will launch the "New Booking Request" screen.
The Search stage enables you to search for available inventory for your pickup and drop off location, time and dates. Loopit will automatically filter and show vehicles accordingly.
Why are no vehicles showing on the booking request screen?
To view available inventory, first specify the pick-up location and date, as inventory availability depends on these details.
Select your desired preferences and click on Search.
This will show a list of vehicles that match this criteria. Click on the Select button one of the vehicles to choose it to continue.
In the Package section, Loopit will automatically load the eligible packages that this vehicle has. This is configured from the Settings -> Packages section of Loopit.
The left hand side of the screen is persistent to show you details of this booking.
You can exit this and come back at any time. Loopit will have created this booking in Draft.
When you select a Package from the drop down, Loopit will then automatically pre-load any fees associated with it.
Hit Save and Continue to progress to the next screen.
In the Customer screen, you can select the person who will be owning the booking, driving the vehicle and who will be paying for the booking.
The Booking Applicant is the person or company who owns the booking. If this Person or Company does not exist, you are able to create them in this booking flow.
The Primary Driver is the person who is driving the vehicle.
The Bill To person is the person or company who will be paying for the booking.
This allows you to handle different scenarios. A couple of examples where this is useful:
An insurance rental where the owner of the booking is a repair shop, the driver is the person waiting for their vehicle to be repaired, and the Bill To is the insurance company paying for the booking.
A business is both the booking owner and the Bill To of the booking and is allowing their staff to drive the asset
An individual is the booking owner, driver and the Bill To contact (such as a short term rental).
Once you have selected the relevant parties for the Booking Applicant, Primary Driver and Bill To, click Save and Continue.
In the second last screen, you are able to see the high level details of this Draft booking. From here you are able to either Save Draft to continue later or Submit Request.
Save Draft saves this booking and keeps it in Draft, allowing you to pick it up later.
Submit Request moves the booking into a Pending Request status in order for you to confirm the booking later. This is used for quotes that you can then send to customers.
Upon Submitting a Request the booking is in a Pending Request status, allowing you to continue to Confirm a booking.
The next stage after this is Confirming a Booking.