Asset-level Override
Last updated
Last updated
Asset-level price overrides allow users to modify the pricing of charges at the asset level. These overrides apply to the selected asset. However, only charges with an Ongoing Flat-Fee Pricing model can be overridden.
Navigate to the Package Settings
Go to Package → Price Overrides.
Select a Charge
Choose a charge that uses the Ongoing Flat-Fee Pricing model (Note: The system only allows price overrides for this pricing model).
Edit the Pricing
Click on the three dots next to the asset for which you wish to override the prices.
Click Edit to modify the pricing. In the below screenshot, "Ford Escape SE" is inheriting the prices from "Parent Category".
Override the Prices
Enter the new pricing values as required.
Save the Changes
Click Save to apply the overridden prices.
On the microsite, the daily price for the 'Ford Escape SE' is $70, as the previous price of $60 has been overridden.