Booking pickup date rules
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In this section of the location form, you can set rules that govern when customers can opt to pick up an asset. These rules are designed to align bookings with your business needs and availability, tailored to each specific program type.
The "Booking Pickup Date Rules" section allows you to set specific constraints for each program type offered at each location. These rules are automatically applied when a customer attempts to book an asset. Here’s what each setting does:
Lead Time
Definition: The Lead Time setting determines the earliest possible date a customer can book for pickup, starting from the current date.
Example: If you set a lead time of 3 days, customers can only book a pickup date that is at least 3 business days (days you have selected as open on each location) from today.
Minimum Booking Notice
Definition: The Minimum Booking Notice is a buffer period that ensures there’s enough time between the end of one booking and the start of the next.
Example: If you set a minimum booking notice of 24 hours, customers can only book a pickup time that is at least 24 hours after the previous booking has ended.
Maximum Advance Booking
Definition: The Maximum Advance Booking setting limits how far in advance a customer can make a booking.
Example: If you set a maximum advance booking of 4 weeks, customers cannot book a pickup date that is more than 4 weeks from the current date.
Lead Time: When a customer tries to book a pickup, the system checks the current date and ensures the requested pickup date is after the Lead Time period.
Minimum Booking Notice: The system checks any existing bookings for the asset. If a booking already exists, the new booking can only start after the Minimum Booking Notice period from the end of the previous booking.
Maximum Advance Booking: The system restricts customers from selecting a pickup date too far in the future, based on the Maximum Advance Booking setting.
If these rules don't apply to your business, simply set the period to 0 hours/days in the "Booking Pickup Date Rules" section of the location form, and the rule will be ignored.
The rules are applied to new bookings only.
To confirm the lead time rule:
Go to the New Booking page
Select a pickup location
Open the pickup date popover, you will notice some dates in the immediate future are disabled with a yellow background
For max notice period rule:
Go to the New Booking page
Select a pickup location
Open the pickup date popover, go to some date in the distant future, notice the dates are disabled after the max notice period
For min booking notice rule:
Go to fleet calendar
You'll notice an "Unavailable" block after each booking. This is the min booking notice period, during this time the asset will not be available to book
It is possible to bypass/disable the lead time rule in the create booking flow on platform.
Go to the New Booking page
Select a pickup location
Toggle on "Disable lead time rule"
The system will prevent the booking and prompt the customer to select a valid pickup date within the allowed range.
Yes, each program type can have its own set of rules, allowing you to tailor the booking experience according to the specific needs of each program.